Merchant FAQs

Call 086 000 3030 option 1 for immediate assistance

Can I sign up as a merchant if I don’t belong to a Hardware Group and have less than 3 stores?

Yes, Kanga Finance welcomes all independent hardware merchants to sign up with us

How long does the sign-up or registration process take?

Applications are reviewed by our Merchant support team. Successful applications are registered on our systems within 24 hours after approval. Once your store is registered you can start processing applications through Kanga Finance

How many credit champions can I register for my store?

As many as you want, more people closing deals in your store means more revenue for you.

Do my credit champions receive commission for paid out deals?

Yes, Kanga Finance pays out a very competitive commission.

Does Kanga Finance have a help desk for queries?

We have a dedicated support team to assist you and your credit champion.

If a customer wants to cancel what is the process?

If a customer cancels, you would need to refund Kanga Finance the full amount paid to the store for Kanga to cancel the loan our systems. Refund and cancellation requests must happen within 14 days.

Customer FAQs

Call 086 000 3030 option 2 for immediate assistance

How do I know how much I qualify for?

For Kanga Finance to determine what amount you qualify for, you would have to complete the application process. Apply here.

Can I get the loan amount paid to me in cash?

You can get up to 30% paid to you in cash for Labour and transport cost.

I am a pensioner, do I still qualify for a loan?

Kanga Finance welcomes All Pensioners to apply.

What do I do if I have a problem with my goods I received?

Kanga Finance does not own any hardware store. You should contact or visit the store where you made your purchase for your queries regarding the hardware material or delivery issues. You should also continue making your agreed payments to Kanga Finance as this is a loan on which Kanga makes payment to the store of your choice.

How do I check my balance?

Dial *134*668#

How do I update my details?

Call 086 000 3030 or email info@kanga.co.za

What is a Domestic Politically Exposed Person (DPEP)?

A domestic politically exposed person is an individual who holds, including in an acting position for a period exceeding six months, or has held a prominent public function in the Republic, including that of:
(a) the President or Deputy President;
(b) a government minister or deputy minister;
(c) the Premier of a province;
(d) a member of the Executive Council of a province;
(e) an executive mayor of a municipality elected in terms of the Local Government: Municipal Structures Act, 1998 (Act No. 117 of 1998);
(f) a leader of a political party registered in terms of the Electoral Commission Act, 1996 (Act No. 51 of 1996);
(g) a member of a royal family or senior traditional leader as defined in the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act, 2003 (Act No. 41 of 2003);
(h) the head, accounting officer or chief financial officer of a national or provincial department or government component, as defined in section 1 of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994);
(i) the municipal manager of a municipality appointed in terms of section 54A of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000), or a chief financial officer designated in terms of section 80(2) of the Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003);
(k) the chairperson of the controlling body, chief executive officer, chief financial officer or chief investment officer of a municipal entity as defined in section 1 of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000);
(l) a constitutional court judge or any other judge as defined in section 1 of the Judges’ Remuneration and Conditions of Employment Act, 2001 (Act No. 47 of 2001);
(m) an ambassador or high commissioner or other senior representative of a foreign government based in the Republic; or

A DPEP shall include a person that:

  • Is/was a DPEP,
  • Is/was a known close associate of a DPEP (or a person that was a DPEP), or
  • Is/was an immediate family member of a DPEP (or a person that was a DPEP).

Immediate Family Members
An immediate family member includes:
(a) the spouse, civil partner or life partner;
(b) the previous spouse, civil partner or life partner, if applicable;
(c) children and stepchildren and their spouse, civil partner or life partner;
(d) parents; and
(e) sibling and step sibling and their spouse, civil partner or life partner.

What is a Foreign Politically Exposed Person (FPEP)?

A foreign politically exposed person is an individual who holds, or has held, in any foreign country a prominent public function including that of a:
(a) Head of State or head of a country or government;
(b) member of a foreign royal family;
(c) government minister or equivalent senior politician or leader of a political party;
(d) senior judicial official;
(e) senior executive of a state-owned corporation; or
(f) high-ranking member of the military.

A FPEP shall include a person that:

  • Is/was a FPEP,
  • Is/was a known close associate of a FPEP (or a person that was a FPEP), or
  • Is/was an immediate family member of a FPEP (or a person that was a FPEP).

Immediate Family Members
An immediate family member includes:
(a) the spouse, civil partner or life partner;
(b) the previous spouse, civil partner or life partner, if applicable;
(c) children and stepchildren and their spouse, civil partner or life partner;
(d) parents; and
(e) sibling and step sibling and their spouse, civil partner or life partner.

3 Easy Ways To Apply For A Kanga Building Loan

  • Ask for a Kanga Building Loan at your favourite hardware store.
  • Call 086 000 3030 and speak to a consultant
  • SMS ‘HOME and your NAME’ to 30633 and we’ll call you back!